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Bellaire High School Visual Arts

List of Courses

Bellaire Art Classes: 


Contrary to popular belief colleges love art students!  Add your work to the supplementary information section of your applications to stand out from the crowd!  Show you are a balanced person as well as a brainiac.  Demonstrate that you are able to build skills and develop projects over time to create a stellar finished product.  Colleges really respect that sort of learning and art classes provide it!


Course Pathways:



























*click the image to see  in more detail.


Course Descriptions:


Art 1:  Survey class.  Build basic drawing skills and learn basic concepts.  Learn how to use a variety of art materials and processes. (4.0 credit)


Art 1 Pre-IB:  Same as Art 1 in terms of making sure there is a foundation of skills so students can create complex work.  Work is at a faster pace as appropriate  for those with previous drawing or art experience. (4.0 credit)


IB Art:  (Art 2, 3, & 4): Mixture of student directed and teacher directed lessons.  Emphasis of the class is on growth as artist and in the process of art making.  Artists’ journal, art making, sketching, and research divide student time.  Especially now that IB has added to the research and journal section of the course, students will need to write about art - both theirs and others - in a way that interacts with their making.  Students will also work in a variety of art materials – both two and three-dimensional.  Students have greater control of what path their art-making journey may take as a significant portion of studio time is spent on “contracts” (projects developed by the student and approved by the teacher).  This allows students freedom to explore their own interests… portraits, jewelry, wire sculpture, animal drawings, and so forth as well as having projects directed by the teacher and done together as a class.  (4.0 at level 2.  5.0 credit at level 3 & 4)


AP & HADV Drawing  & Painting (Art 2, 3, & 4):  These classes include drawing, painting, collage, pen, painting, and other two dimensional media as they are preparatory for the AP Drawing or AP 2D Design Portfolio.  A portfolio and skill building course – the course is primarily directed towards building technique, drawing, and design skills.  Students will explore a variety of subjects (landscape, figure, portrait, still life) as well as a variety of two-dimensional media (printmaking, collage, drawing, painting, etc…).  The class is directed towards skill building and art production – though sketchbook and journal are regularly used as a tool in idea making, building skill, and learning about artists.  The class is more teacher directed than IB  in the introductory levels as students build skill and becomes entirely student driven by their AP year.  AP Studio students build concentration section of their portfolio (12 pieces centered around a student-chosen concept an these are entirely student driven).  Not for the faint of heart -be ready to show your artistic and drawing skills! 4.0 at level 2.  5.0 credit at level 3 & 4)


Drawing & Painting (Art 2, 3, & 4):  Students will explore a variety of subjects (landscape, figure, portrait, still life) as well as a variety of two-dimensional media (printmaking, collage, drawing, painting, etc…).  The class is directed towards skill building and art production – though sketchbook and journal are used as a tool in idea making, building skill, and learning about art. (4.0 credit)


HADV & AP Photography (Art 2, 3, 4):  Students learn how to use a camera to take stunning photos.  They will learn how to use lighting, composition and framing, F-stops… etc…  Now  almost completely digital photography though some hand processes may remain (pinhole cameras & cyanotype for example). The change to digital means that students will also learn a good deal about Photoshop and camera RAW as most post click production will now be handled in the computer. Photography 3 allows students to create many mixed media as well as purely photographic works.  Students are encouraged to have their own DSLR (digital camera)- especially by the upper levels- though some are available to check out.   All students are required to take pictures outside of class weekly in order to complete class assignments.  (4.0 at level 2.  5.0 credit at level 3 & 4)


Jewelry (Art 2, 3, & 4):  Students learn how to cut and solder metals, make chains, earrings, rings and other projects like Monopoly pieces.  A very good match for those who for those who want to build and construct objects and play with torches!  (4.0 credit)  Pre-AP (5.0) is also available. Speak to Mrs. Rogers.


Sculpture & HADV Sculpture (Art 2, 3, & 4):  Three-dimensional work in a variety of media.  Students will work extensively with clay.  They will also cover a variety of other sculpting and building materials including paper, wire, plaster, Styrofoam, found object constructions and so forth. (4.0 at level 2.  5.0 credit at level 3 & 4)


Digital Art and Animation:  Students continue to learn and use the Adobe CC suite of programs.  Mixture of tutorials designed to build skills and projects that give students a the opportunity to make original designs while building both technical and design skills. This is not an introductory computer course.  Students should be comfortable on the computer and with art and design.  Both Art 1 and Graphic Design 1 are pre-requisites though congruent experience will be considered by the instructor.  (4.0 credit)


Other Resources:

Choosing the right Art 1 for you:


After Art 1 what are my options?:



We know the variety of classes and many levels of the classes can be confusing ~  We hope this helps a little!  We are available for any questions:



IB Art/ AP Drawing/ Pre-AP Drawing & Painting/ Digital Art & Animation 

Meredith Donahoe



Kelly Quarles






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